massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

My morning mail arrived with a packet sent by an anonymous contributor…copies of emails and correspondence concerning the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC). I must say it caused me to choke on my breakfast.

The CAMTC, according to their website, is currently conducting a search for a CEO. That’s not shocking news. What is shocking news is the insistence of former Board chair Ahmos Netanel, who is said to be gunning for the position, that the job is worth $348,000 a year, and that it should come with an executive assistant to the tune of another $144,000. Is there another Gold Rush in California that the rest of us haven’t heard about?

Let’s put that in perspective: The governor of California gets paid $206,500 a year. The President of the United States makes $400,000 a year. An e-mail from Netanel states “…for the kind of skill set and record we are looking for, anything less than $29,000 per month would represent a major cut in pay for the kind of CEO we need."

I personally think that’s over the top. I know hundreds of hard-working massage therapists who don’t make $29,000 a year. Can you say “non-profit?” It really looks like somebody is going to profit, and in a major way.

I believe there are former CEOs all over the country with great skill sets, knowledge, and expertise who are out of work, who’d take the job for half of that and be glad to have it. Is the head of a state massage association really worth more than the governor? I hope the Board members at the CAMTC will wake up and smell the coffee. It smells a little burnt from where I’m sitting.

Peace & Prosperity,

Laura Allen

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Comment by Cynthia Shattler on February 10, 2010 at 12:21pm
I think this is ridiculous. Why would the CEO of the council warrent a salary of this nature. It has been a long standing fact that management always recive a large cut of the money hard working massage therapist earn but, really. I think they are way off base in this current proposal. Considering that fact that a massage therapist on average earns a amount of $17,907 a year is also sad. Especially considering that is a hard working massage therapist. Lets be honest I don't think any of us decided to go into doing massage therapy to be millionaires(well maybe thats what we thought while we were in our school cuculating money we could potentially earn) We do what we do because we want to help others feel good and help their healing process. All I do know is the fees for state certification will only increse and cause people to not be certified which will lessen the validity of having a certification. I was so hopeful when I heard California was even going to have a state certification due to the years of hearing and being involved in city or county licensing process. As massage therapist we need a counsel that can work for us not soak the sytem dry. I am appauled at the amount the CEO and or his assistant would be earning should this be allowed to be allocated into effect. I urge all of the massage therapist to speak out against this outrage. Let's do what we can people let your vocie be heard.
Comment by charlotte hill on February 10, 2010 at 12:16pm
Comment by Jenelle Nicole on February 10, 2010 at 12:07pm
Upon receiving notification of this Absurd request to pay a CEO for the CAMTC More than what our own Govenor earns in a year, I felt I had to at least voice my opinion.

From a new MT’s perspective…it is struggle enough to pay the $150! Not to mention the 80 some dollars for finger printing, as well as forking out a few more bucks for a (less than 60 day old) passport picture. I was overjoyed when we, as MT’s, finally got a break and were able to get certified through the state; becoming much easier on our pocket book as well as time spent in getting business licenses in every city. If this kind of greed is allowed, I can almost guarantee it will turn people away, myself included. Thus defeating the entire purpose; I hope and pray that somewhere in this council there are like minded people that can see what a disastrous decision this would be.
Comment by Lori Bradshaw on February 10, 2010 at 11:03am
This is absolutely the dumbest thing I have ever heard!!! With the economy down and MT's taking a big hit in their pocketbooks, I can't believe he wasn't laughed out of the meeting when that was first proposed. We're supposed to subsidize an arrogant suggestion like that when our clients are cutting back on their sessions, and thus our income?? Everyone needs to contact the members of the CAMTC board TODAY and let their feelings known.
Comment by Kathy Weaver on February 9, 2010 at 5:16pm
The salary requests for the CAMTC CEO and Executive Assistant are UNACCEPTABLY high. The request for a CEO salary higher than that which the CA Governor receives is obscene, especially in light of the fact that the average salary for CA massage therapists last year was about $17,907. There is no justification that the CEO of the CAMTC has more responsibilities than the governor of California! This is yet another example of greed and is not to be tolerated. responsibilities than the governor of California! This is a time sensitive matter since a vote on it is due on this Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 9:30 AM. Please make a big noise about it. Tell other massage therapists and media about it. Post a blog to this website.

The famous philospher, Albert Camus, said something like this: In the world of victims and executioners, it is the job of the thinking person, to be on the side of the victim. Be reasonable.
Comment by Robert Chute on February 9, 2010 at 9:42am
In-frickin-credible. All the more egregious considering massage bureaucracies are financed by people who make so little. To compound the offence, that sense of entitlement is a symptom of a class structure (ruling class vs. the servile peasants) which taints the corporate culture of the organization and does not serve the membership. What do they think this is? A bank?
Comment by Gloria Coppola on February 8, 2010 at 11:18pm
Gosh Laura - how do you make it through the day with all this stuff?

This is horrible! I must say I am getting sick of hearing all these stories.
Burnt? Who? them , the coffee or us? ;)

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