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I have a question.  I am a fairly recent graduate from a massage school and was wondering if anyone had any insight into what I could do with a client.  I feel that my client has contracted herself into a holding pattern.  She is 'holding  it all together' and I just want to shake her up so she can 'let go' and breath.  Her first session she released a little and has booked in for another one this week.  I used alot of rocking and stretching techniques.  Can anyone add anything further?



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Hi deborah.

This is an interesting question. It seems to me that the progress you seek with this client is likely to unfold over time if she continues to have regular appointments. She will get more used to, and better at, receiving and benefiting from massage, and you will learn her idiosyncracies. Each massage has potential to be better than the last.

I realize you were probably asking for more specific advice on techniques and modalities, but I think those could be secondary to the need to let progress unfold over time with the case you describe.
I agree with's gonna take time to build that trust for your client to let go.

In the meantime I find using a heating pad on the upper back at the very beginning of the session goes a long way in helping the client relax. I usually put the heating pad on the upper back and then proceed to rock the entire body and do some compressions. Then i move the heating pad to the gluts while i work on the back. i only work on the back for a little then put it back on the back while i work the gluts. by the time i'm done with the gluts, the back has warmed up nicely.

with that said...i do this technique with or without issues going on in the upper back region because i find clients get a comfort from the warmth of the heating pad. this alone helps them to just unwind a little at the very beginning of the session.

you might want to also try some deep breathing exercises at the beginning of the session.
Hi Deborah,

Everyone has given you very good advise. Trying to "fix" a client is probably one of our biggest challenges as MT's; that and being patient. Each client has their own rate at which they release and it's important to allow this on their terms. Also, recognize and acknowledge the progress she has made may be big for her. She released and is coming back; you did good.

Continued success!
Thanks guys,

You have all given me good advice and I have taken it on board. I understand it is a process and she is the captain of her ship and maybe I am part of the water that is guiding her ship. I feel strongly about the breath being a vessel to get the energy moving and I used some breath work with the client in the first session, I will probably take this up a notch but I also think I will leave the bag of tools open and work in the moment.

Thanks a lot you have all been inspiring

It took me about 4 months of regular massage once a week when I was a client to finally let go and relax. For me it was a past situation of abuse that had me in the holding pattern. Even though I had dealt with it all, massage was new to me and put me right back there. Once I finally felt comfortable with my massage therapist at the time and was able to talk to him about it, everything completely changed. So hang in there Deborah. You just do not know what has got this client holding. She could be trying to protect herself like I was doing unconsciously. I had no idea I was holding until I was able to let it all go.

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