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Hello,My name is Linda. I'm a nurse Massage Therapist. I've been wheelchair bound for about 8 years now. One can feel pretty isolated when they do not fit the iconic image of most persons in their field. I was wondering if there are any other Massage Therapists who are handicapped in some way?

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Thanks. What I am asking is if there are other, "handicapped" Massage Therapists. If so, I'd like to join or start a group dedicated to dealing with our particular issues, such as arranging workspaces, etc. I got slowed down, but nothing holds me back, LOL!!

Aloha Linda,


I know a wonderful person who does lomilomi in Hawaii who lost use of her legs from polio as a young child.  She is now an elder and still giving wonderful massage.  She specializes in pregnancy massage.  She is much revered in hawaii.


Her name is Aunty Mary Fragas.  I met her this year at a gathering of lomilomi practitioners.  I don't find her contact information on the internet, but I will try get it from one of our mutual contacts.  She is a true inspiration.



Barbara helynn


ps; thanks for your kind response to my comments on this website via Xach's question.

Hi Linda,

So glad to have found your post! (even though it is over a year old) I have been doing limited massage from my chair in a medical setting and trying to figure out how to develop a better practice situation. Glad to find someone else :-) - Looking forward to sharing ideas.  - Hope you'll pick up this post, Sherri Samuels, LMT

Hello Sherri,

I'm so glad you found this, would love to share ideas! You can e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you!

Sherri Samuels, LMT said:

Hi Linda,

So glad to have found your post! (even though it is over a year old) I have been doing limited massage from my chair in a medical setting and trying to figure out how to develop a better practice situation. Glad to find someone else :-) - Looking forward to sharing ideas.  - Hope you'll pick up this post, Sherri Samuels, LMT

Salutations Linda!

It's so great to see your story.  While my outward appearance is pretty typical, I injured my back severely several years ago. The scarring in the muscle tissue causes muscle spasms.  Exercise helps some, but I have to remember that I'm not... well, whole.  It's too easy to overdo it, to get 'in the zone' so to speak and forget my limitations.  Luckily I have a great therapist I work with and my husband helps me when I'm having bad days.  

I know how aware I have to be of my body mechanics.  How do you work with your chair?  Do you have a specially designed table?

Hey Linda,

Thank you for your post. I'm not sure where I fit in here. I had several injuries over the years in the military to the point that now I have to wear braces on both feet/ankles. Not sure if I've had it so long that they don't hurt as bad any more, or if it's because of nerve damage. I have had to modify massage styles to be able to continue doing massage. One of the best assets I've been fortunate enough to use is an electric lift massage table. Gives the ability to raise and lower the table according to your needs at the push of a button. They can be pricey but have seen ads for $700 or so!

 Hi Chris,

I know it's all PC these days to say, "Thank you for your service", but I do, so I'll say it anyway!

As far as where you fit in, you fit in right here! I think it is great that you haven't let a handicap stop you from working. I think an electric lift table is a wonderful tool. I would buy one of the cheaper ones, but I had to opportunity to see a ComfortCraft table at the WMF last year, it ruined me for anything else, and I am saving all my pennies to get one, the thing is amazing, so well conceived and made!

Are you still able to stand while you massage? Are the braces permanent, or might you be able to get rehabbed out of them?

Best wishes!



Hi Annie,

Thanks, LOL!! I feel the same way! 
Annie Ueber said:

Hi Linda!  I wanted to say...You go girl!  You are not handicapped.  I see you as a fully functioning MT!  Screw whatever the "image" is. 

Annie :)

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