massage and bodywork professionals

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If anyone is Out & About this coming Saturday, Feb. 21 in the Clarksville, TN area, I am teaching the SomaEnergetics technique for self application using their Personal Therapy Kit. Workshop lasts two hours: 12noon to 2pm. This is the last workshop for this area, but I am available for private tutoring through March 15, 2015. 

If you practice an alternative modality and have not yet been introduced to Sound Vibration therapy, these SomaEnergetics workshops are a great start. Each workshop is $29 unless paid at one time, then each costs just a little less. Access information from

As an LMT, I was totally into the medical massage mode. My introduction into the field of energy work, however, has changed my practice ... and my life. If you only choose to use an OM or MI tuner on your client before and/or after their regular session, you eventually will see a difference in your practice. With the relaxing vibration of OM, clients enter their massage session with less stress --- more receptive during their session and are prone to stay this way longer. If you are a client, request your therapist to check this protocol out. 

In energy work, One Shoe Fits All absolutely does not apply. So while one client may experience an Ah ha moment, another may show no reaction at all to the frequencies. Nevertheless, on their cellular level, there absolutely has been an affect. As Dr. John Beaulieu says, "Using the Solfeggio tuning forks we positively alter the body’s biochemistry." — If in the Miami area Feb. 27, 28 and March 1, Dr. Beaulieu is speaking at the Sacred Sounds Conference. And Dr. David Hulse, developer of the SomaEnergetics protocols will speak during Shift Charlotte, March 13, 14, 2015. 

That’s about it for now. I’m housed in under several inches of snow; sink walking to the mailbox with now a bank of snow across the driveway. Looks like lunch is off for tomorrow.

Stay in Sound Health. And do yourself a favor and explore the vibrations of tuning forks to incorporate into your practice or enjoy as a client.


P.S. Did you know you can tune animals?

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